Tincture of Iodine for Corn Removal

Can I use iodine tincture to treat the toes corns?


I did some research and I found this entry on a site called Foot Care:

Soak your feet in a solution of warm water with a mixture of borax, bran and iodine tincture.

Soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes daily. Rub the affected area with a towel.

Borax is an acid which will assist in exfoliating the dead skin cells and iodine helps in preventing any reaction with the borax. It also kills any fungus/virus lurking in the corn.

Cocoa butter can be used to moisten and hydrate the corn for removal. Once the corn is softened, you may use a pumice stone.

I hope this helps. Let me know.

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