Nuclear Radiation, Iodine and Children Dosage

by Loz
(Ogden, UT)

How should we dose iodine skin supplements for small children? 8 months, 3 year old, 7 year old?


According to Dr. Brownstein, noted iodine expert, he suggests iodine supplements be given to children at .08mg/pound). Dr. Brownstein suggests that a health care provider be consulted for children and adults, who is knowledgeable in the area of iodine supplementation.

Converting skin painting according to Dr. Brownstein's recommendation is difficult since a portion of the liquid evaporates.

Adults normally use a quarter size painted on the stomach or on the inside of the arm on a daily basis. Let your conscience be your guide. You might try a dot from a Q tip.

Remember, almost everyone is iodine deficient. Guage how fast it is absorbed into the body.

The faster it is absorbed, the more the body needs it. I hope this helps.

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