Iodine Dosage

by Grazia

Hello! I'm glad to have found this website!

I've started a treatment with 5% Lugol's lately, but since I'm not under the supervision of any doctor, questions arise from time to time. I hope to find answers here.

I'm taking 5 drops of the solution in a cup of water every morning, and also am painting an almost 3 inches patch over my uterus & ovaries area (wishing to get rid of an endometrial cyst).

Now my question is, how can I know if that's enough to give results, or maybe I'm taking more than needed? Should I take the patch absorption time as an indicator? Is it 100% reliable? If the patch disappears in less than 24 hours, does it mean there's no way I could overdose with iodine? And, if after more than a month of treatment it still disappears within 5-8 hours, could it mean I should raise the quantity of drops?

Thank you in advance for any answer you may give.

Best regards,


First of all, I'm happy you've started an iodine treatment.

Please use the iodine carefully. You will find that you will start to have detoxification symptoms as your body releases bromine and other pollutant stored in your body which act as inhibitors for iodine absorption.

Here is a link to a site page which sets out the dosges for Lugol's Iodine: Lugols Iodine

There is also a very good chat board to go to which has extensive information at
Iodine Chat Group

Good luck.

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Thank you
by: Grazia

Dear Jill,

Thank you for your reply. I'll check the yahoo group out, have never joined any group so far, but I'm sure it's as easy as 1+1.

As far as Anonymous' message is concerned, I'm sure his/her multivitamin contains 150 mcg, not mg, of iodine :)

Best wishes,


Thanks Grazia

No More Iodine? :(
by: Grazia


I just thought to update that I had to quit Lugol's. My thyroid antibodies were tested before and after taking Lugol's. Sad to say, they started to increase following the treatment.

They were not really high, but one of them had gotten borderline high, so I stopped the treatment hoping to keep them from going out of range.

I guess I should have taken "some" antibodies in my first test more seriously. Maybe "some" means there is an autoimmune attack on a tiny scale which shouldn't be provoked. Instead, doctors are going by the lab ranges, and my thyroid ABs being at about the middle of the range did not raise suspicions.

Best regards,


I suggest you become a member of the Yahoo Chat Group:

What you experienced is normal for the raised levels. The members on this group are very knowledgeable and can assist you with your condition.

All the best to you. Keep me informed.

Iodine in multivitamin
by: Anonymous

I believe I'm allergic to iodine because several years ago I would attend fish frys on Friday and twice I was in the ER because of my throat swelling and only on Friday night.

I took a multivitamin that has 150 mg of iodine and after I swallowed it I read the vitamin ingredients. Will this amount of iodine be harmful to me? Appreciate your comments. thank you


I ask that you go back and reread the information on the multivitamin. I don't know of any vitamin that has that much iodine in it.

I take take Iodoral at 12.5 four time a day. This comes to 50 mg.

I would be curious to know the name of your vitamin.

Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your reply.

I didn't know there was one, I thought I'd be notified thru email so that's the reason I'm late to thank you.


You are very welcome. I hope this helps you.

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