Psoriasis - 7% iodine tinture

by Liza

After 23 years of suffering with Psoriasis,, a few weeks ago I found Dr. Simoncini iodine cure on psoriasis...

I started with 7% iodine tinture 3 to 4 times a day, moisterizing between applications as it burnt a lot. The skin cracked and fell off and some clear skin was visible. Since then the red circles of patches are growing back again.. :(

Also 4 days ago, I started on lugols 5% solution and increased to 5 drops today.. started slowly..only side effect a rash and itch in areas of normal skin..

I'm also taking potassium and magnesium, vit c, 1/4sodium bicarbonte after meals, and s. bicarbonate baths every nite...

Please help!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

I'm still in hopes that Iodine is the cure for me..



My concern is that you increased the Lugols iodine too fast.

Seven percent iodine on your skin is potent as you found out. Try diluting the drops to alleviate the burn. You need to be kind to your skin.

I suggest you visit the Store on this site and take a look at additional detoxification products listed.

Also, consider cutting back on any baked products which have bromine added. This could be exacerbating your psoriasis.

Let me know how this works for you.

All the best.

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